Monday 31 March 2014

What is the simplest hardest thing I know?
Erasing the entire playlist of my phone
But sometimes, it’s just best to let go.

Sunday 30 March 2014

How to function in dysfuntionality

There is a fine line
Between hurt and abuse
Between dislike and hate
Between fear and terror
Between wounds and scars

Every day, every single day
we stand on one side of the line
every day, you choose to cross it
every day, I choose to stay.

Re-writing Tu Hi Re

इन साँसों का देखो तुम पागलपन के आए नहीं इन्हें चैन मुझसे ये बोली मैं राहों में तेरी अपने बिछा दूं ये नैन Read more: https://www.hinditracks...