Thursday, 6 June 2013

I hold a record for falling in love
With people
Whom I’ve never looked in the eye
And being so far away from them
That we never even shared
The same air

And because I never knew them as people
I dug as much as I could from afar
For more things about them
That I could love with all my heart
But more often than not
I just fell for a piece of them
Just one single part

Like the guy I loved because I loved his voice
And the jingle in his laugh
The way all words sounded
So much more beautiful
As they came out of his lips
And so it didn’t matter to me what he said
Because I was already in a daze

I loved another two or three
For the thoughts they had
The way their words would rhyme as they spoke
Like every sentence shared its heart with the other
And like words got a whole new meaning
And I was but a student
Trying to learn their magical art

I hold a record for falling in love
With people
So deeply and with all my heart
But loving none except a single part
A soothing voice, a magical soul
But never a person, never a whole
I just know how to love just one part
Maybe that is why I know of love
Only from afar.


Re-writing Tu Hi Re

इन साँसों का देखो तुम पागलपन के आए नहीं इन्हें चैन मुझसे ये बोली मैं राहों में तेरी अपने बिछा दूं ये नैन Read more: https://www.hinditracks...